Since I can't film yet, I decided to do something that I should've done before, my storyboard.
The first scene will be the main interview to a couple that will answer to the questions stated in the following index card.
The camera will start to zoom out to show that the interview is being seen from a laptop. This will be the beginning of the second scene. The purpose of this scene is to introduce the character of Marcella.

This scene will fade to black to the 3rd scene, which is the introduction of the movie. The chosen song "Love someone" by Jason Mraz will play here.
In this scene, the intention is to introduce Marcella's personality and her environment. She's an organized person so she makes annotations in index cards and post-it.
The last shot is a close-up of stickers and papers from the University of California, Berkeley to establish that's where Marcella studies. I chose that university because it is among the top sociology colleges in the country, having a "sociology program that typically ranks among the top programs in the country".
When I decide which my title will be, I'll have a better idea of how I will incorporate it into this scene.
I believe that this will make 2 minutes.
I'm so sorry for the quality of my drawings, I tried my best, but still they're not a masterpiece.
Chao, Chao!
Information used in this post can be located in:
"Top Ranked Colleges for a Major in Sociology." USA TODAY College. Megan Cahill, 27 Dec. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. <>.
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